Server side
๐ Identify Player
Get player source id by phone number, phone imei or identifier(citizen id).
---@return string The source id of the player by phone number. Phone must be set as primary phone in the databse(e.g. last used phone)
---@return string The source id of the player by phone imei. Phone must be set as primary phone in the databse(e.g. last used phone)
---@return string The source id of the player by identifier(citizen id). Phone must be set as primary phone in the databse(e.g. last used phone)
Get phone number by player source id, phone imei or identifier(citizen id).
---@param identifier string The identifier of the player(citizenid, identifier)
---@return string The phone number of the player
---@param identifier string The imei of the phone
---@return string The phone number of the player
---@param number string The player id
---@return number The phone number of the player
Get phone imei by player source id, phone number or identifier(citizen id).
---@param phoneNumber string The phone number of the target phone
---@return string The imei of the phone
---@param identifier string The identifier of the target player's phone
---@return string The imei of the phone
---@param source number The player id
---@return string The imei of the phone
โ๏ธ Sim Cards
---Recover a Sim Card on a new phone(when stolen, lost).
---Note: The old phone's sim card will be changed.
---@param phoneImei number The imei of the phone that you want to recover the number to.
---@param simNumber number The sim number that you want to assign to the phone.
exports.yseries:RecoverSimCard(phoneImei, simNumber)
---Change the Sim Card number for a given phone.
---The new number MUST match the phone number generation in config.
---@param phoneImei number The imei of the phone that you want to change the number.
---@param simNumber number The new sim number.
exports.yseries:ChangePhoneNumber(phoneImei, simNumber)
๐ Groupsโ
---@param groupId number
---@return number Group leader's source id
---@param groupId number
---@param playerSrc number
---@return number true or false if the source player is group leader
exports.yseries:IsGroupLeader(groupId, playerSrc)
---@param groupId number
---@return table Returns a table of group members(source ids and character names)
---@param playerSrc number
---@return number Finds a group by player source id
---@param groupId number
---@return string Gets a group's job status
---@param groupId number
---@param status string
exports.yseries:SetJobStatus(groupId, status)
---@param groupId number
---@return number Gets a group's current members count
---@param groupId number
---@param name string
---@param data table
exports.yseries:CreateBlipForGroup(groupId, name, data)
---@param groupId number
---@param name string
exports.yseries:RemoveBlipForGroup(groupId, name)
---@param groupId number
---@param event string
---@param args table
exports.yseries:SendGroupEvent(groupId, event, args)
---@param groupId number
---@param key string
---@param data table
exports.yseries:SetGroupData(groupId, key, data)
---@param groupId number
---@param key string
---@return table Gets group data
exports.yseries:GetGroupData(groupId, key)
---@param groupId number
---@param key string
exports.yseries:DestroyGroupData(groupId, key)
---Sends a Phone notification to every group member. Timeout is optional(default is 3000ms).
---@param groupId number
---@param message string
---@param timeout number
exports.yseries:NotifyGroup(groupId, message, timeout)
๐ Cell Broadcastโ
Cell broadcast is a technology that allows messages (such as public alerts) to be broadcast to all mobile users in the server
---Sends a cell broadcast message.
---@param to number The recipient of the message. Source id.
---@param title string The title of the message.
---@param content string The content of the message.
---@param iconUrl string The URL of the icon to display with the message.
exports.yseries:CellBroadcast(to, title, content, iconUrl)
๐ต YPayโ
---Adds a new transaction to display in YPay app.
---@param senderNumber number The sender of the transaction. Phone number.
---@param recipientNumber number The recipient of the transaction. Phone number.
---@param amount number The amount of the transaction.
---@param reason string The description of the transaction.
exports.yseries:YPayAddTransaction(senderNumber, recipientNumber, amount, reason)
โ๏ธ Mail
Send Mail - Used to send a mail - Preview
-- 'source' or 'phoneNumber' or 'phoneImei' or 'all'
local receiverType = 'all'
-- phone number or phone imei or source id or empty if `receiverType` is 'all'
local receiver = '088-888-8888'
--local receiver = GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) // Use it to get the source id of the player if you're using it in a client script.
-- email - table
-- email.title - string, title(subject) of the email
-- email.sender - string, email of the sender
-- email.senderDisplayName - string, display name of the sender
-- email.content - string, content of the email
-- email.actions - table(optional), button actions to add to the email
-- email.attachments - table(optional), attachments to add to the email(photo, location)
-- toType: string, type of recipient, can be "phoneNumber" or "phoneImei" or "all"
-- to: string, recipient's phone number or imei or empty if `toType` is 'all' (optional)
local insertId, received = exports.yseries:SendMail({
title = "Email title",
sender = '',
senderDisplayName = 'YFlip Phone',
content = 'Email content',
actions = { -- actions are optional
label = "Accept",
data = {
event = "yseries:client:mail:test-callback",
isServer = false,
data = "test data",
-- if *true: the email tab will be closed after the callback is executed, *false: keep the email details tab open
shouldClose = true
label = "Decline",
data = {
event = "yseries:client:mail:test-callback",
isServer = true,
data = "test data",
shouldClose = false
attachments = {
{ photo = "" },
{ location = { x = 10, y = 10 } }
}, receiverType, receiver)
---@param id string The id of the mail
---@return boolean
local success = exports.yseries:DeleteMail(id)
๐ช Notifications
-- 'source' or 'phoneNumber' or 'phoneImei'
local receiverType = 'source'
-- phone number or phone imei or source id
local receiver = '4F2B8BDFF107B71'
-- notification - table
-- - string, app name
-- notification.title - string, title of the notification
-- notification.text - string, text of the notification
-- notification.timeout - number(optional), timeout of the notification
-- notification.icon - string(optional), icon of the notification
-- toType: string, type of recipient, can be "phoneNumber" or "phoneImei" or "source"
-- to: string, recipient's phone number or imei or playerId - source (optional)
-- returns: boolean, true if phone is disabled, false if it isn't
app = 'email',
title = email.senderDisplayName,
text = email.title,
timeout = 3500, -- Default is 3000(optional).
icon = '', -- Default is the app icon, if you want custom don't send app(optional).
}, receiverType, receiver)
๐ต Screen Damage
Break screen
Example of a broken phone - Preview
-- phoneImei - string, The target phone's IMEI.
-- level - number(optional), The level of damage. *default(1-9)
-- breackTouchscreen - boolean(optional), Whether the phone screen should work.
-- If the optional properties aren't passed, the function will randomize the values.
exports.yseries:BreakScreen(phoneImei, level, breakTouchscreen)
Fix screen
-- phoneImei - string, The target phone's IMEI.
๐ฏ Modify Nui focus input
Useful when working on custom apps and dealing with input fields.
-- focus - boolean
Feel free to request an export to suit your needs.
๐ฉ Send App Message
-- appId string -- Custom app key
-- data { action: string, data: table } -- Data to send to the app
exports.yseries:SendAppMessage(appId, data)
Last updated