Returns all the properties that are owned by the specified owner.
---@param owner string The owner of the properties. (identifier)
---@param ownerType "user" | "society" The type of the owner.
---@return {id: number, label: string, price: number, type: string, doorLocked: boolean, coords: vector3|vector4, hasKey: boolean} The properties that are owned by the specified owner.
exports.nolag_properties:GetAllProperties(owner, ownerType)
Removes a key from the specified property.
---@param playerId number The source of the request.
---@param propertyId any The property id.
---@param keyHolder string The identifier of the player
---@return boolean Whether the key was removed or not.
exports.nolag_properties:RemoveKey(playerId, propertyId, keyHolder)
Adds a key to the specified property.
---@param playerId number The source of the request.
---@param propertyId number The property id.
---@param keyHolder string The identifier of the player
---@return boolean Whether the key was added or not.
exports.nolag_properties:AddKey(playerId, propertyId, keyHolder)
Toggles the doorlock of a property
---@param playerId number The source of the request.
---@param propertyId number The property id.
---@param doorLocked boolean Whether the door is locked or not.
---@return boolean Whether the doorlock was toggled or not.
exports.nolag_properties:ToggleDoorlock(playerId, propertyId, doorLocked)
Returns an array with players in the property
---@param propertyId number
---@return table<number> An array containing the player ids in the property.
Returns table with the key holders of a specificied property
---@param propertyId number The property id.
---@return table<string, table<string, boolean>> | nil The key holders of the specified property. The inner table maps lock IDs (as strings) to their access status (boolean).